CBCT Technology

A dental office waiting area

CBCT Technology at Coho Dental in Anchorage, AK

Welcome to Coho Dental, your dental care home in Anchorage, Alaska! We are thrilled to announce an exciting advancement in our dental practice - the introduction of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) technology. We are elevating our diagnostic capabilities and treatment precision to new heights.

At Coho Dental, we're committed to staying at the forefront of dental technology to ensure our patients receive the best care possible. The addition of CBCT technology is a testament to this commitment. But what does this mean for you? Read on to find out how this cutting-edge technology can transform your dental experience.

What is CBCT Technology?

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is an advanced imaging technology that provides highly detailed, 3D images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone in a single scan. Unlike traditional X-rays, CBCT gives us a comprehensive view of your dental anatomy from various angles, enabling Dr. Holt to diagnose more accurately and plan treatments more effectively.

A man standing next to a piece of dental equipment
A man sitting at a desk using a computer.

Advantages of CBCT Technology in Dental Care

Precise Diagnoses
With CBCT technology, the guesswork in diagnosing complex dental conditions is eliminated. Whether it's identifying the exact location of an impacted tooth, evaluating jawbone health, or detecting dental abnormalities, CBCT imaging provides unparalleled clarity and detail.

Enhanced Treatment Planning
CBCT technology offers invaluable insights into your unique dental structure for procedures that require precise planning, such as dental implants, orthodontics, and root canals. This allows Dr. Holt to customize treatment plans to fit your specific needs and ensure the best outcomes.

Minimally Invasive Procedures
CBCT technology aids in performing minimally invasive procedures accurately. By having a clear, 3D view of the treatment area, Dr. Holt can target specific sites without affecting surrounding tissues, leading to faster recovery times and less discomfort.

Patient Education and Engagement
Understanding dental health and treatment options is important, and CBCT technology plays a big role. By viewing detailed 3D images of dental anatomy, you can better understand your condition and make informed decisions about treatment together with Dr. Holt.

A man sitting in a dental chair
A woman working at a dentist office front desk

CBCT Technology at Coho Dental

Bringing CBCT technology to Coho Dental means you no longer have to be referred out for advanced imaging, making your dental care experience more convenient and efficient. Our state-of-the-art CBCT system is designed to minimize radiation exposure while maximizing image quality, ensuring your safety and well-being are never compromised. Whether you're coming in for a routine check-up or a more complex dental procedure, CBCT technology enhances every aspect of your care at Coho Dental.

Meet Dr. Holt

Dr. Holt is passionate about utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology to improve patient outcomes. With an eye for detail and a gentle touch, Dr. Holt combines technical expertise with compassionate care to create positive dental experiences for all patients. Under Dr. Holt's care, you can rest assured that your oral health is in the best hands. He firmly believes everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile and is committed to making that a reality for the Anchorage community.

A man standing with his arms crossed in front of a forest.
A dental office with a stone wall and logo.

Experience the Difference at Coho Dental

At Coho Dental, we understand that visiting the dentist can be daunting for some. That's why we've created a warm, welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable and relaxed. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and always here to answer any questions you may have.

With the addition of CBCT technology, we're not just enhancing your dental care but transforming your dental experience. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll notice the Coho Dental difference - where advanced technology meets compassionate care.

Advanced Dental Care at Coho dental

Ready to See How CBCT Technology Can Benefit You?

Contact Coho Dental today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Holt. Join us on the exciting journey toward optimal oral health and discover the positive impact of cutting-edge dental care on your life.

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