Sedation Dentistry

Relaxing Dental Sedation in Anchorage, AK

Dental anxiety can make it difficult or virtually impossible for patients to receive the care that they need. Our practice offers nitrous oxide sedation, which can be added to a patient’s treatment plan if they find it hard to sit through dental treatments or if they just want to feel more relaxed during an advanced restorative procedure. To learn more about nitrous oxide sedation or schedule your next visit, please contact us!

How does nitrous oxide work?

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a colorless and odorless gas that is used as a mild sedative in dental and medical procedures. When inhaled, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs and reaches the brain, where it interacts with the central nervous system. Nitrous oxide stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, inducing a sense of euphoria and relaxation. It also helps to reduce anxiety and discomfort during dental treatments, making it an effective option for patients who experience dental anxiety.

A man sitting in a dental chair
A man in a black scrub top smiles at the camera.

Is nitrous oxide safe?

Nitrous oxide is considered safe when administered by trained professionals in controlled settings, such as dental offices or hospitals, and it can be used in conjunction with any dental treatment. However, like any type of sedation, nitrous oxide should be used with caution and avoided in certain situations, such as during pregnancy, or if a patient has certain health conditions or is taking specific medications. Our Anchorage dental team can help you determine if laughing gas is a safe and effective choice for you.

Does nitrous oxide have any side effects?

While nitrous oxide is generally very safe, it can come with side effects. The gas is rapidly eliminated from the body after administration, and patients usually feel back to normal pretty quickly, allowing them to resume routine activities shortly after their procedure. Mild side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness, or fatigue. These effects are usually temporary and should dissipate within 24 hours. If symptoms persist or you develop a fever, please get in touch with our team as soon as possible.

A man sitting in a dental chair next to a dentist
Sedation Dentistry at Coho dental

Relaxing Dental Sedation in Anchorage, AK

Our practice offers nitrous oxide sedation, which can be added to a patient’s treatment plan if they find it hard to sit through dental treatments or if they just want to feel more relaxed during an advanced restorative procedure. To learn more about nitrous oxide sedation or schedule your next visit, please contact us!

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